The idea of running 10 kms for 10 consecutive days charmed me. Being an avid outdoor enthusiast and now a running enthusiast too, I wanted to put up my fists and determine my endurance. What triggered my quest for this run was the success-story updates from the runners of the Chennai Runners group. A victim of inquisitiveness as I am, I wanted to explore how my body and mind would sync to execute this run. The joy in running had pushed my energy levels high and it is needless to say that the running fever did not spare me. After completing few half marathons, I was all set for this challenge.
My ten days’ running series lasted between 22.10.2012 to 31.10.2012 and in these ten days, I had quite interesting encounters, the most interesting one being the 10th day, a ‘Life Time Experience’ with the ‘Nilam’ cyclone around. I will let it unfold towards the end.

Initial Two Days – Testing Time:
I did not announce my first run to anyone since I wanted to know for myself, if I can run consecutively 10 kms for two days. My testing ground was the inner beach road stretch from Thiruvanmiyur to Pallavakkam. It was a breezy and comfortable run along the sea.
On the second day, I chose to run from Light House to High Court and get back to the Light house again. After finishing my office work, I started my run from Lighthouse and ran on the inner road of the marina beach, towards my target, the High Court. At a time when my colleagues from the bar were calling it a day, I pushed myself towards the herculean task in front of me. At the end of the race, my legs pained a little; but the stretches and relaxing exercises I learnt when I was playing volley ball helped me to quickly recover from it.
After completion of my two days run, I decided to tell the world through facebook about how I felt after my every day run. I was keeping them posted every day. I need to confess, that every ‘like’ there and every appreciating word there made me push myself better every day.
Third to Sixth Day – Realising my potential:
Now that I had realised that my legs could carry me 10 + kms comfortably, it became a regular thing for me to enjoy my runs from 7.30 to 9.00 p.m at Marina. The pleasant sea breeze, thundering sound of the waves, pounding heart, paining knees and aching muscles – I loved them the most!
The most interesting part of my day during these ten days was ‘Running’. I used to wait for dusk to start running. I liked the feeling of being drenched in my sweat after my run and I started reliving my school days when I used to be very active in sports.
Seventh Day – A Triathlonic Finish:
I had enrolled myself for CTC’s Olympic triathlon event that includes 1.5 kms swimming, 45 kms cycling and 10 kms running. I was targeting a safe and injury- free completion to celebrate my 7th ten Kms mark.
I comfortably swam 1.5 kms at Velachery swimming complex; tiredness took over me when I started pedalling. The heavy head winds of ECR did not allow me to pedal fast and at times I had the feeling of pedalling almost at the same place without moving further because of the powerful winds.
After reaching the Buckingham canal trail, I started running at a slower pace paying more attention to the birds flying across and enjoyed running along the scenic canal. Completing this Olympic triathlon gave me the confidence to push my limits when I was drained and exhausted.

Buckingham Canal Trail
Eighth and Ninth Day Runs strengthened my Will Power:
I carried the pain of the triathlon finish throughout my body; but that did not stop me from my eighth and ninth days of running. I just flew away from work to Light House and completed the 7th day of my run with loads of sweat, pain and fatigue. The silver lining I had was the sound sleep after every day’s run.
On the Ninth day of my run, it started pouring cats and dogs. Hence, I decided to stay indoors and run at Talwalkars, Anna Nagar where I had been training for a while. I tread milled for 15 kms: but I really missed the scenic beach and its soothing breeze.
Tenth and Final Day – My Answer to the ‘Nilam’ Cyclone:
The talk of the day amongst chennaites was the cyclone which was christened as ‘Nilam’: it was forecasted that the winds could be as fast as 80 + kms and it was advised to stay indoors. The adrenaline rush in me instigated to hit the roads ‘come what may’.
I ventured out and realised that Nilam had brought in very swift winds I had never witnessed till then; that it had started attacking Chennai and that it had successfully uprooted few trees and lampposts. Brushing aside the powerful winds, I decided to run from Light House to High Court.
I had initially planned to make my tenth and final day’s run memorable by running in a ‘long’ way. The surprise nature conspired to give me was all the more adventurous than I expected it to be. I started running at around 7 p.m when ‘Nilam’ was supposed to hit the coast, between Chennai and Mahapalipuram. The inner beach road at Marina was cordoned off by cops; no one was permitted to step inside: I therefore chose to run on the pavements adjoining the road. Trotting amidst drizzly winds made my day!
I halted in front of Chennai Port and refreshed myself with water; I ran towards High Court with perseverance and completed my tenth day. The sense of satisfaction in completing the run was fantabulous and I thoroughly enjoyed being pulled by the winds. Now I had to return to Light House facing the heavy winds. The very feeling of running amidst such a climate in Chennai by itself was energising and electrifying, needless to say it sent bubbling waves inside me.
With all my determination, I started my run against the winds and I should confess that this was the best run I had ever run so far. The drizzles, forceful winds, dancing trees, dark clouds –the way every bit of it came together made my run the best ever!
I thoroughly enjoyed being disciplined during these 10 days: going early to bed; waking up early; being conscious about the food I had and doing proper warm ups, warm downs and stretches. I completely lived a runner’s life for 10 days and I wish this fun and this life continues!
Happy Running,
Durai Murugan
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